Shopping Bonanza

My local Tractor Supply was out of Milton feed, necessitating a drive across town. On the upside, the new store had massive Breyer sale. Small in number, but large in discount. Models that originally cost $40 were 1/2 off. Models that cost $60 were $12. Awesome. I’m not the type of person who usually scores this kind of deal.

Bryer TB QH

One of my back burner projects is model horse photo showing [New Book]. Now I have a Thoroughbred and a Quarter Horse, both cantering, for realistic action scenes & Fire for fantasy dioramas [My First Model].

Breyer website: Frankel
Breyer website: Harley D Zip

Bryer PK

I don’t know what to do with one of these, much less two. OTOH, at 80% off, how could I not?

Breyer website: Peppermint Kiss
The originally scheduled post for Saddle Seat Wednesday has been delayed in transit.