Media Advisory

Work: PM heat therapy/PM groom & exercises [rp, wv,cx].
Report: amenable during but galloped off upon dismissal.

Ramblings for the day: A well-known essayist [David Sedaris? unusual Google fail], said that his family no longer tells him anything because they are afraid to end up in print. Writer A.J. Jacobs allows his wife to forbid but not kibbitz, “In the past, he has given me censorship privileges but never annotations or rebuttals.” The Guinea Pig Diaries [S&S 2009]

Fortunately for me, my family members/subjects/victims aren’t able to complain. As long as the paychecks continue to fund the carrot stream, I doubt they even care. All of which is by way of introducing a press clips section on the sidebar. May they be joined by many more. Gotta pay for those carrots.

Mathilda in USDF Connection, “The Tail End: Square Horses and Round Holes”, November 2008

Rodney in Horse Illustrated, “Horse Tales: The Horse Next Door”, February 2012

Plus the original monthly blog posts on the USEA website of Rodney in “Back to Eventing”. Sidebarred under Past Incarnations.

Who is your favorite essayist or non-fiction writer?

One thought on “Media Advisory

  1. I like E.B. White. He always makes me slow down and notice the capabilities of English.

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