Before The Meeting, Fiction Fragment

Claire caught up with me in the hallway. I could hear her stomping all the way from the elevator, “Why are we meeting in person!”

I took a deep breath and intoned, “Face to face time is important because humans beings are social animals. Millions of years of evolution cannot be shoved aside by a few years of technological convenience.”

Claire rolled her eyes.

“Well, if you knew the answer, why did you ask?”

“At least they will have snacks.”

That was true. Management might have weird ideas about mandatory in-person meetings, but they weren’t stupid. People are much more amenable about showing up when promised food.

At which point, we had reached the door to the conference room.


A VSV, aka Very Small Vertical, on the fiction-as-jumps measurement scale. [A Book & On The Mountain]

In driving, the division for minis is called VSE, Very Small Equines. “VSEs are under 99cm with or without shoes.” ADS: VSE & Pony Measurement Program. [Watching from the Sidelines, scroll down]

This post was planned to have several fragments, perhaps even enough to be a considered a course of Very Small Verticals. Alas, work.


5 thoughts on “Before The Meeting, Fiction Fragment

  1. Reminds me of our church services. We’re a small group. Our services are IRL but we also zoom them with volunteers from the congregation.

    A few weeks ago, no volunteer was available. No zoom. It was one of the few times that I was unable to go IRL so I missed the service. Very disappointed.

    We’re now hiring a part-time tech so we will be able to zoom every service. We hope it works out.

    When I was fifty years old and on the second date with my future husband, I said that if I had to choose, I’d choose affection over sex.

    His reply was “Why not both?” Words to live by.


  2. This post makes a good point. There are a lot of things I will do more willingly if there is food involved. My horse feels the same way.

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