Bliss & Greg Demo Cones

Combined Driving


An article from The Carriage Journal, August 2018, courtesy of Coach Kate.

The picture of Bliss & Husband Greg is from the MTCC Driving Trials last year. They look good, don’t they? As I said then, “Cones. Started strong. Midway through, Greg lost the plot, and it devolved into what Coach Kate called cones bowling. [Show Report]” Shortly after this photo, Bliss dropped down to a walk. In large blinking neon letters, she was telling her driver, ‘You take a moment to compose yourself. As soon as you stop being a hot mess back there, we can restart.’

“That’s why photos lie,” says Greg. “We look good one second and I’m in time out the next.”

Demo = Demonstrate? Demolish? Your choice.

Thank you for reading,
Katherine Walcott

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