Quick Books, Book Making Class #1

Book Arts of the outside world. The Met: Emulating Books: Book Objects from the Lynn and Bruce Heckman Gift


Introduction To Bookmaking
David West
Tuesday 21 May 2024
Class 1 of 4

The first class was a short introduction, a demo, and then right into playing with paper. Simple, quick books with pamphlet stitch, pictured above.

Slightly fancier kettle stitch.

I’ve made books before, but a) it never hurts to go over basics, b) there is always something new, & c) they provide all the supplies and equipment. No digging everything out and then putting it away when I’m done.

What I learned. While I love making books, I never know what to DO with them. I have so many commercial notebooks with only the first few pages filled in that I am loathe to “waste” my fancy, hand-made book on a project that will sputter partway thru. Instructor suggestion, make books with fewer pages. Fill ’em up. Move on. Make a new book. I am liking this concept. You will notice the dark cover book, the second one I made, has fewer pages.

Also, the weight of paper refers to the weight of 500 sheets of uncut paper. Of course, it’s more complicated than that, “The part that can get confusing when weighing paper in pounds is that not all paper types have the same basis size.” Strathmore: Paper weight: What does it mean?


7 thoughts on “Quick Books, Book Making Class #1

  1. Nice work. Glad to know I’m not the only one with partially filled journals, notebooks. I don’t have the patience for this — I think. But, I enjoyed seeing MakeBHM and David West’s websites. Thank you. MM

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