Look At It From Their Point of View, Dog Update

Awareness of the outside world. U. S. News: PHOTOS: at the Pet Gala, Fashion Goes to the Dogs, AP, May 21, 2024.


POV Jasmine. You are 13-year-old Basset Hound. You have one eye and a wonky back end. It still takes two people to administer your daily eye meds.

You go, girl!

POV Rose. Greenery. Nom. Nom. Nom.

Lore says dogs eat grass when they feel sick in order to throw up. She isn’t sick, doesn’t throw up, and keeps chomping the scenery. Enjoy your salad.

POV supportive spouse. Are you feeling badly? Poor dear. Go buy back-up Covid tests, just in case? I’m out the door. Want to sleep in? I’ll try to be quiet. Clean up after the geriatric dog? Nope, you’re not that sick.


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